Thursday, March 7, 2013

Back in the Saddle

Day 2 this week of gym visitations!

Admittedly, this morning started out rough. I didn't want to go and didn't roll out of bed til 7:30. I was up til 11:30pm last night trying to fix my sink. (I failed, I'll probably have to clean the P Trap).

I didn't have anything setup except for my lunch food was cooked since I cooked that at the same time I cooked dinner. Somehow, I've managed to lose one tennis shoe. Who does that? I spent about 15 minutes looking for that one other shoe, I still didn't find it. I ended up going with my flying shoes. No, they don't have wings, they're just the ones I use for pilot lessons cus they're flat.

I took off from home about 8:20 which is 20 minutes later than I wanted to leave. The gym is right by work. Instead of turning right (to go to work) I drive straight for another block then turn right. Well, I turned right a block too early. I didn't get to the gym til about 8:40. Here's the exercises I did, I left my booklet in my car but once I get it I'll update with the weights and reps.

  • Back Row
  • Bench Press
  • Weighted Crunches
  • Front Pull Downs
  • Seated Tricep Dips
  • Running
The running honestly has me pretty stoked. I've never been able to run a mile in one go and today I ran a quarter mile at a 5.3mph pace non stop. My calves hate me though.. something about never being worked that way before. They'll get used to it. I was able to find my stride for the first time on a treadmill so except for the breathing part it really did feel effortless as far as mechanics go.

Bench Press almost ended disasterously. Apparently one day of rest is not quite enough for me to go back to a heavy weight exercise and try to push it again. Last time I did Bench Presses I got to 95lbs after 5 sets and did 5 reps. On my last set today I was at 85lbs, 3rd rep and my left arm gave out. I was able to get the right side racked and then wriggled out from under the bar after the left side was on the floor. Still a work in progress, I'll have to figure out a good regimen to push myself without going overboard. Not a skill I typically have.


Gym Numbers!

Bench Press10/6510/656/855/853/85
Front Pull Down 15/2510/355/40  
Seated Tricep Dips 15/2015/4015/6515/8515/85
Running1/4Miles @ 5.3 mph

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