Monday, March 4, 2013


My body is rebelling! I start feeding it right and it's becoming demanding. I ate all my work food by 3pm today which left 4 hrs to go. After work I went to the store. By 830 my stomach was growling like a yeti. I was able to find a pear in my car to distract it, but as soon as I got home it started talking again. I have never made and eaten tuna salad that fast! I need to teach my stomach some manners.

I'm still looking for other food right now, I think it might be a lost cause right this second because it's close to my assigned bed time. I'm still over 1200 calories on the day but not my net. uh oh.. Stomach just growled. I might need to eat some eggs or something.

Hopefully this sudden demanding nature of my body indicates that the metabolism has kicked in hard core. That would be fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. That would be awesome. I've had this happen a few times in my experience, and then, if I'm smart, I can eat while hungry, lose weight, and have energy...the goal of a healthy metabolism!

    Great job! I'll get there again! You are inspiring me!
